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and now for 2019

Leave the dishes

I heard your gentle move
while the frost covered the window
both hands laid in the warm water
and my belly full with fresh food

Your body clenched to my back
as my blouse slipped on my shoulders
while our movements lingered so slow
we were suspended in the time we lack

The tip of my naked breast
invited your touch on my curves
the dishes were quickly dismissed
over this longing on our lips which met

We made love on that day
standing in the middle of my kitchen
when only sound in the harsh wind
filled that morning flow of January

As passion consumed our bodies
the water in the sink went chilly
then suspended in timeless sensuality
we finished our favourite dishes

Copyright ©2008 Johanne Farmer
January 19th, 2008

Mes créations - My creations

Tammy Nuzzo-Morgan Poem "Hati"
Translated by Johanne Farmer
(Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous / Click on the link below)

Poésie binlingue composé pour
Bilingual Poem for
(Cliquez sur le titre - Click on the title)

Le talent nous place certes sur le chemin du succès; mais seul le travail nous y conduit.
Talent  may place us on the road for success; but only hard work will take us there.